
Enrollment to the 2022-2023 academic year is easy:

  1. If your child/children was/were attending Suomikoulu AND you did not resign, then your are all set;

  2. If you have never attended Suomikoulu or you are a returning family, signing up your child/children is pretty simple. You can do it by sending an email to the school's Principal with the details about your child/children.

    Please e-mail to sv_suomikoulu@yahoo.com with the following information:

    • Child's/ children's names, Last name, First name
    • Birthday/s
    • Parent's names and emergency phone numbers
    • Languages spoken at home
    • Describe how much Finnish your child uses daily
    • Can your child read/ write in Finnish?
    • If you are moving from Finland, what grade was your child last in?

Please note that if a particular age group is over-subscribed, we use waiting lists; depending on the age group the list can be longer or shorter.

In case you want to resign from Suomikoulu, please send an email as soon as possible to the principal about withdrawing your child/children from Suomikoulu. On this way we can offer your place to the next on the waiting list.

SV Suomikoulu Google Group is the official communication channel. All announcements regarding enrollment, school programs, holidays, etc. are communicated via this channel. (Note: SV Suomikoulu Google Group is a closed group, once you belong to Suomikoulu you will get an invitation to join the group).

If you have a question, please contact the secretary or principal at:    sv_suomikoulu@yahoo.com

Class Dates, Location & Teachers

Suomikoulu meets at:

520 Almanor Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085 every other Sunday from 3 pm to 4:30 pm.


  • All adults need to show a picture ID when dropping off or picking up their children.

  • Absences should be reported to the teacher. The student will loose his/her slot if absent more than 3 times without notice.

Schedule: see here


  • Muskari (0–3 years), ei tänä vuonna
  • Tenavat (3–4 years) (ei tänä vuonna)
  • Tenavat/Viikarit (3-6 years), Sara, Edla & Erika
  • Lukutoukat/Sanataiturit (7–8 years), Maria
  • Lukijat (8-9 years), ei tänä vuonna
  • Etsijät (9-11 years), Anu
  • Tutkijat (11+ years), ei tänä vuonna
  • Aikuiset (18+ years), ei tänä vuonna

Library: The library of Finnish books and magazines is available at the Nokia office for the students to visit in groups during the classes with the teachers.

Enrollment fees

Children groups:      $120 per semester   

Families with three or more children receive a "family discount." Fees of the youngest child/children from third child on will be half of the regular fee.

Additionally, $10 joining fee for new families ($10 per family, independent of the number of children in the family joining Suomikoulu).

You need to pay the fees before the first lesson. Generally the fees will paid through PayPal invoices that wil be sent tot the parents.

Fees will not be returned if a student drops from the school. If you enroll for just half a semester, you only pay half.

Scholarship: in case of financial hardship, we are able to provide scholarships for a limited number of students. Please contact us with your request.


Suomikoulu toimii vanhempien vapaaehtoistyön avustuksella.

Voit ilmoittautua vapaaehtoistyöhön (siivous, vartiointi, juhlissa valokuvaaminen/avustaminen, joulujuhla, luistelukerta, kevätjuhla jne.) sisäänkirjautumisen yhteydessä. Odotamme ja toivomme jokaisen perheen osallistuvan ainakin jotenkin joka lukukausi.